Monday, 17 July 2017

Thermometric Scales:

Thermometric Scales:

              Two thermometric scales are in common use, Fahrenheit and centigrade or Celsius. Temperature is measured in degree Fahrenheit or degrees Centigrade

  1. Freezing Point of pure water or melting point of ice = 32 degree Fahrenheit
  2. Boiling point of pure water=212 degree Fahrenheit = 100 degrees Centigrade
  3. Human Temperature = 98.4 degree Fahrenheit  =37 degrees Centigrade
  4. Cold Water temperature is taken = 45  degree Fahrenheit =7 degrees Centigrade

" 0 degree Fahrenheit is the melting point of a mixture of equal part of salt and snow "

To convert - degree Fahrenheit to degrees Centigrade

C = [5/9] ( F . -32)
F = [9/5] (C. +32)

       For most purpose mercury in glass thermometers are used . For recording the interior temperature of a dam, Thermocouples are used. 
       Stream as compared with water occupies 1646 times as much space. It is generally assumed that one cubic inch. 

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