Nautical Measurements
A nautical or sea mile is the distance on the earth surface at the sea level of one minute of arc (1/60 of a degree) of longitude of earth at equator.
A nautical mile is taken equal to 6080.26 ft. or 1.1515 statute (or land ) miles-(5280x1.1515) by the British Admiralty, and 6086.07 ft. or 1.152664 statute miles by the US coast Survey Department. ( the statute or land miles being 5280 ft.)
The international nautical mile is 6076.12 ft or 1852 meters, i.e. 1.15078 miles or 1.852 kilometer per hour.
"knot" is a rate and not a distance and is used for expressing ship's rate of travel: 1 knot is one nautical mile or 6080 ft. per hour=1.1515 land miles (British Admiralty) per hour (or kilometers per hour.
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